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Moons, Magic, and Making Breakthroughs

“Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born: – you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.”- EE Cummings When a blue moon happens - 2 full moons in one month - it is said to be a rare and auspicious time. Many believe it is a good time to open to infinite possibility, to take ourselves into new adventures, and to step out of our comfort zones.  

Astrologically, this specific moon will guide us to shed our old outdated habits that no longer serve us. This blue moon is said to call out that which we are able to give up personally so that we can bring more peace to ourselves and others.

In the yogic texts, the moon is associated with the feminine, and the sun with the masculine.

As we look back through the ages, we see how the feminine was revered, worshipped, and looked to for intuition, guidance, and wisdom.

Moon ritual, moon practices and moon cycles were seen as powerful times to look inward for deeper intuition and insight.


She was the goddess to whom many prayed  for abundance, prosperity, and fertility. 

She was a safe place where one could find nurturing, listening, and understanding.  

The qualities of the feminine are known to be fluid, inward, introspective, wise and warm.  She is said to be tender, compassionate, sensual and embody pure unconditional love.

As women, we can fully command the feminine in all her forms. We are being called to trust that our beauty rests in the re-creation of the divine feminine for the modern, empowered woman.

After I returned from the land of the feminine and goddess this spring, the island of Bali, I wrote to you about the imbalance of masculine and feminine in my life and business.  You can read about that HERE.

As I promised myself then, things had to change for me to come back into alignment with my feminine.  I have made many big transformations in my life since then, maybe more than I ever have before.  I have been practicing celebrating my feminine with all her majesty and opulence.

I know that a woman who feels at home in her feminine beauty, alive in her motherhood (with or without children), and tuned into her moon cycles can live with more passion and purpose in a world that is in dire need of healing for the feminine, for it's divine equanimity and cosmic peace.

This week check out some of my favorite moon practices + a bonus free download moon cycle yoga practice to accentuate your blue moon magic.

Moon, Magic and Ritual tips

  1. Brew up some Moon Water:

Making moon water is one of my favorite full moon practices.  It can be used for blessings or to enhance our rituals. Moon water can be added to our bath for relaxation, or one of my personal favorites – to remind us to bring back the feminine qualities into your life by drinking it when we feel out of balance.

Moon water will be largely dependent on our personal intentions and personal touches to simply guide you back to your natural rhythms and back into the arms of the divine feminine.

How to make: Simply gather a jar, some purified water, and some crystals (moonstone is best, but any crystals are optional). Place the full jar of water with crystals outside under the full moon once it is dark. Call forth your intentions and desires. Leave the water to brew under the full moon. Bring the water inside before the sun rises the next morning. Place on your alter, or somewhere sacred, and use as you like.


  1. Basque in a little Moon Bathing:

Being it the height of summer and the warmest nights of the year, it is a perfect time for moon bathing. Spend sometime laying outside under the blue moon this week, meditating, resting, or simply just soaking up the blue moon energy. Moon bathing is a practice that has been used for centuries. Women have incorporated time under the light of the moon as a way to replenish and reconnect inward to inner feminine and sacred intuition.


  1. Do some Moon Cleansing:

As with most full moons, there is an opportunity for a new beginning, the emerging of something transformational, and freeing. Moon rituals have incorporated fire ceremonies, water purifications and bathing for the purpose of cleansing body, mind and spirit.


FIRE: Gather some sage, sweet grass or palo santo (holy wood) to purify yourself from head to toe in honor of the moon and the feminine.


Write a list of all you wish to clear and cleanse out of your life, those habits that hold you back from your truest potential. Let your paper burn in the fire.

WATER: Take a ritual bath that symbolizes all you wish to shed. Allow yourself to feel the water wash away the old, purify the body, mind and spirit as to create room for the new qualities and intentions to come in.  Add some flower essence or some aromatherapy bath salts to accentuate the experience.


Spend some time near a body of water such as a river, an ocean, or a lake. Infuse some stones with that which you are cleansing and toss into the water as a symbol of letting go to the guidance of the diving feminine.


  1. Make a commitment to your inner self, your divine feminine sisterhood, and the goddess.

Now is the time to commit to your highest self, your truth and your divinity. As we mentioned, this moon is here to help us to burn those old patterns that no longer serve us. Once you are clear as to what those are, write down your commitment to yourself and place them on your alter, on in a sacred place where you can visit and reflect upon them later.


BONUS : Practice Moon Yoga

The moon represents the feminine in the yogic texts, so this yoga series is to honor the feminine rhythms and cycles attuning us back to nature and our goddess selves.

Moon Cycle Yoga Practice

 Want more?  Join us this August for a women's weekend wanderlust immersed in the Colorado Rockies.  We are going to dive into the feminine in relationship to food, body, rhythm and ritual.  I can hardly wait.



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I cried at the airport...

bali-bow I am known to cry quite frequently, some say I am a deep feeler.  We were pulling up in the taxi departing from the magical island of Bali, and I felt my tears beginning to well up.

As I got out of the car and walked into the airport, it was clearly one of those uncontrollable cries, and I thought I should probably wait to go through security. I had to sit down on a bench and wait it out.

It's not that I didn't want to come home, I love my Boulder life. The tears were more about my Bail experience having had an impact on me that was so profound it was hard to let go.  Bali's vibration had so gracefully met me exactly where I needed to be, in order to SEE and EXPAND.

Upon returning to Boulder after my 2-week inner pilgrimage,  amidst the excitement of spring, seeing my kids, friends, and those I love, there has been an uncomfortable feeling of being stuck, stagnant and outdated with how things used to be done in my life.  In the past we have called this a retreat hangover or re-integration process.  This one kicked my yogini butt.

Something HAS to change for my inner and outer alignment to occur.  Anything that isn't feeling aligned energetically seems be giving me a terrible headache.

Since being back, I have been sitting with this... waiting, listening, hoping for what needs to shift to become obvious - and if you know me, you know this waiting is not my favorite pastime.

I crave for this beautiful multidimensional insight that came to me in Bali to now emerge and apply to how I live each day, personally and professionally.

I have tried to sit down to write about it so many times...but nothing was coming...until today.

All my personal inquiry, hours of meditation, powerful kundalini sessions, and time with myself, has finally moved some energy and created some clarity.  I have been recalibrating my Bali bliss into my new Boulder buzz.

It turns out … something in me has expired.

It is perspective, and the old ways of approaching life, business and health.  It is the muscling through life to make things work, burning myself out in a desperate attempt to keep all the balls in the air, and still be able to smile as I pass you by in the grocery store.

I am so passionate about what I do every day, and how I live this blessed life, but it is time for the feminine to guide me, to take over, and to provide a flow and a grace that eases my system so that I get filled back up instead of drained by my day-to-day.

I live at one with my mind, body and spirit connection.  I have to listen to my wisdom, and the ever present goddess guiding me.  Any place where I am not LISTENING has become so loud I can barely stand it.

I see how my outdated and limiting beliefs can keep me stuck, and that nothing can change without the power of my thoughts and the divine feminine supporting me.


I see how it is time for a new paradigm that outdates SO many of the myths about food, women, and pleasure so that we can individually find our pathway to THRIVE in a mind-body-spirit approach to both health and living.  It can be felt as subtle yet profound and magnificent.

Over the coming weeks, you will notice some changes with the way I do business, what I am putting forth, and what I really hope to bring into the world.  It is energetic and gentle...I am still in the process of unfolding how this will look to the outside world.

I know for my work to be as potent and as powerful as I need it to be for my own fulfillment, my clarity of heart and grace has to be 100%.

Thankfully, I have some amazing people coaching and guiding me on this incredible journey of discovering what is coming next.  I promise to keep you posted.

With spring in full force, expansion happening all around us, I feel more than ready to step forward into my own creative potential and stay in synch with what is blooming all around us.

Care to step into the current with me? Let's expand, widen, create and live our best lives together!

The best is yet to come.


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Calling Aphrodite

5 Springtime Aphrodisiacs to Master your MOJO

Aphrodite, known as the Greek Goddess of love, pleasure, sensuality and beauty, is one of my favorite of the Goddesses to invoke. Can you see why?

In the stories of Aphrodite, she has the magical ability to compel anyone to desire her.




Aphrodite is said to be born from the foam of the sea. She is revered, cherished, and known for her sensual allure, her delicate beauty and her ability to activate the sensuality of her lovers. This spring you too can invoke her into your pleasure practices, and into the art of sensual eating so that you can explore a more mystical in your body and your bliss.

The sensual art of eating is a journey deep into your relationship with your own sensuality, pleasure stimuli through the senses, and a celebration of food and sensuality that has been present in cultures far and wide throughout history. Sensuality happens with cooking, preparing, presenting and opening are hearts through our meals, just as it does when we prepare, adorn ourselves and wake up our senses to make love to our beloved. This art is as delicate, smooth, succulent and artistic as a love poem or as crazy and free as an artist’s eccentric expression.

The sensual art of eating combines our love for ourselves and those we cook for along with our inseparable senses, especially smell and taste.

Let’s start with the olfactory orgasm…

It is said the olfactory sense, our sense of smell is our oldest sense from the viewpoint of evolution. Our sense of smell creates strong memories with its powerful, swift and precise presence. The sense of smell is more developed in a woman than it is in a man. Our sense of smell is deeply connected to our sensual relationship to food, to a woman's eroticism, and to our intuition. Just as we can be enticed by the smell of our lover, we can be excited by the lure of fresh prepared foods, conscious cooking and the throb of desire and erotism that food can evoke in us as woman and as Goddess. It is not unusual for a mouth watering dish to evoke nostalgia and pleasure waking up our emotions and creating a spiritual + sensual experience with our food.


On to our TANTALIZING taste buds…

It is said in the world of senses, taste is the QUEEN. It is a pleasure, but also a protection that can tell the difference between what's good to eat and what could be harmful. The taste buds activate relating to 5 different flavors, according to Chinese Medicine: Sweet, Salty, Bitter, Sour and Pungent. Each flavor represents a different quality of emotion and energy that we can use to balance ourselves out and heighten our experience around taste. UMAMI is the ultimate taste sensation that brings us the most tantalizing taste experience in just one bite. It is most like a food orgasm that activates all 5 tastes and increases pleasure exponentially. APHRODISIACS

An aphrodisiac is a substance known to increase sexual desire and sexual pleasure. The word APHRODISIAC throughout history has pertained to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, passion and pleasure. There have been many foods considered aphrodisiacs throughout time, and the thing that they all have in common is that they ALL fully engage the senses. Aphrodisiacs are sensual foods create a heightened pleasure experience related both to eating and to our own sensuality. We can make love to ourselves through our food, and we can use food as foreplay for ourselves or with our beloved, a practice written about for centuries in almost every culture known to humankind. 5 SPRINGTIME Aphrodisiacs For you to EXPLORE


This lily plant derivative is known to stir up lust for both woman and man. They are known to boost histamine production known to boost orgasm in both male and female.





Known as natures VIAGRA due to 2 compounds. First watermelon has high levels of citrulline (found in highest concentration in the white of the melon rind) has the power to dilate blood vessels and support erection in a man. Second, the high amounts of lycopene are known to balance and support a healthy prostate. This may be the perfect sensual fruit to entice your lover




This peruvian wonder has proven to have a number of health benefits. Some of these include increasing energy and stamina, balancing hormones for both PMS and menopause, repairing adrenal function and enhancing sexual function and libido. Ooh la la! Maca is available in a powdered form and can be added to smoothies or yogurt, or you can buy maca in a capsule to take a more concentrated dosage.




The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that artichokes had such a strong aphrodisiac effect that women were prohibited from eating them as they were said to make women more desirable.




The aphrodisiac quality of chocolate is nothing new…but rather something that is embedded in history of the western civilization. The great Aztec ruler Montezuma, one of the first red hot lovers to tap into chocolate’s strengths, was said to have consumed as much as fifty cups of chocolate elixir before heading off to his harem. In the late 20th century it was proven that the phenylethylamine (PEA) in chocolate releases the same hormone as does sexual intercourse. The compounds in chocolate are also known to raise dopamine and seratonin levels offering energy, mood enhancement and pleasure to the body.



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Eat for the SEASON not the DAY

Is WINTER faking you out? This morning I was driving my son to school on the icy roads and he said:

"Sheesh, really Boulder? "

These crazy weather patterns we experience here in Boulder are a little hard on the system and hard to predict at this time of year.

One day it is springy and warm and I feel my spring fever bubbling up, and the next we are shoveling 2 feet of snow off of our driveway and I am back in hibernation mode.

Even though my son was born and raised here in Colorado, it still boggles his mind to witness the Colorado weather patterns.  

It is a confusing time of year for the body and immune system and so many people have been struggling with cold and flu this year.


There is a saying in Chinese Medicine that says:

"Dress for the season, not the day."

I have adopted this moto and added my own little spin:

"Eat for the season, not the day."

It is still winter for most of us, and although I am excited about the upcoming spring season and enjoying the occasional warmer day, it is still helpful to stay warm and well nourished for the remaining days of winter.

February and March are often the months with the most irratic weather.  Our bodies are going through a lot to keep ourselves strong and healthy.

We have to be sure to stay AHEAD of the weather.

How you may ask?

When we stay in the season with our eating, our self care, body care, we will naturally be more attuned to the season, and strengthen our immune systems for this final push of winter.

Want a few immune boosting tips?

Keep reading...

Just tired of Winter?  

Come with us on a goddess journey to Bali.  We have a few spots left. Click here for details.

Winter Immunity Insights

1.  Stay warm.

Keep your kidneys and bladder warm (and the rest of your body as well).  You can use warming foods, teas, topical essential oils, sesame oil, and warm clothing to insulate and nourish the your core.  Scarves are a nice addition to protect the windgate – the space at the back of your neck – where pathogens can enter.

Even if the weather is warmer than an average winter day, which often happens in my home state COLORADO, be sure to “DRESS FOR THE SEASON, NOT THE DAY”.   Stay insulated to keep the immunity strong.


2.  Oil of Oregano

Are you fighting the common winter cold, or flu this winter?  Oil of Oregano is one of my favorite treatments for both immune boosting and anti-bacterial and anti-viral support.

Did you know just a few drops of Oregano Oil in the diffuser or vaporizer can give you some relief?

Even better – add a few drops to your cooking and enjoy the delicious flavor and immune boosting qualities with your dinner.

Because this potent oil is so strong, make sure you dilute it substantially or take it in a protective capsule.  With my big pot of homemade chicken soup I only use 2 drops…3 is too many, and too strong.  (See recipe below)

(avoid if you are pregnant, or breastfeeding or an infant)





3.  Ritual Baths

There are many many benefits to baths at this time of year.  Aside from the warming and relaxing qualities there are also deeper support from certain types of baths.  You can always resort to the simple Epson salts bath if you like, but here I am going to provide you with some specific and unique baths to use to synch up with winter – mind, body and soul.

  • Add a teaspoon of coconut oil for a warm and insulating
  • Add some chunks of fresh ginger.  Ginger is a natural immune booster and when you soak in a ginger tea bath you absorb the ginger and allow the body to purify and release the pathogens.  Stay warm and get right in bed after.
  • Feeling a little down in the cold days of winter?  Sweeten up your mood with a "sweet like honey" bath.  Add a cup of raw honey to your bath and watch your seasonal funk slip away.  Honey baths remind us of the sweetness of life.







Sweet like HONEY

Ahhh, the sweetness of summer… The warm sun waking us up to frolic outside in the early morning warmth, the expansiveness we find in our hearts as we enjoy the outdoors, the community and fun in the sun.

 There are many ways to sweeten things up in both our lives and in our foods.  Sweet is the flavor of the heart and reminds us of the sweetness of life.

During the summer the sweeter fruits ripen, and the sweetness of summer is all around. Here are some tips to keep your sweetening in balance while still expanding into the flavor of summer.


 5 Health Tips to Sweetening Things Up:

 1.     Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

Due to the many health risks associated with too much sugar, many folks have tried to take short cuts using artificial sweeteners in place of the natural sweet.  The media has enforced this gives the taste buds and the body the message that we are enjoying the sweet flavor without the cost.  Unfortunately this is a short cut NOT worth taking.  Many artificial sweeteners create addictive patterns, cravings, and serious withdrawal symptoms.

Avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague. While the mechanisms of harm may differ, they’re ALL harmful in one way or another. This includes aspartame (NutraSweet and Equal), sucralose (Splenda) and any other artificial sweeteners.

  • Aspartame (NutraSweet and Equal) contains high amounts of phenylalanine and aspartic acid.  While these amino acids are found naturally in the body when they are combined out of there natural ratio they can cause many side effects such as headaches, mental confusion, dizziness and seizures.  As these amino acids break down in this out of balance combination, they can literally break down into a form of formaldehyde which is toxic to the body.
  • Splenda is the artificial sweetener other wise known as sucralose.  This sweetener has received a ton of press in the past few years, leading us down the road to discovering not only is this sweetener made up of a high percentage of chlorine, but now recent studies show that sucralose may raise bloods sugar insulin levels, kill of good bacteria in the GI tract, and in long term exposure damage DNA permanently.

2.     Get Back to Basics

Eat a whole food diet to reset your taste buds.  The body thrives when we eat our foods close to nature, whole, simple, clean and alive.  These ancient principles of eating are great guidelines to how to grocery shop, cook and feed our bodies nourishing foods.  The palate can transform back to its original and intended tasting organ as we purify our diets.

When we are competing with really strong enhanced flavors found in mainstream processed foods, such as super salty foods or overly sweet sodas, we become so over stimulated by our taste buds that something like an apple or a carrot looses it appeal.

Coming back to the basics with whole food eating will recalibrate your taste buds and a lot of those strong flavors (especially sugar) will vanish from your cravings.

3.     Use Natural Sweeteners

Sweetening your food is something many of us seek in our day-to-day meals, healthy deserts and snacks.  With the whole food eating in mind, you will notice that your palate adjusts and what used to taste pleasantly sweet (like a soda) may now be too sweet to drink.

Finding natural sweeteners to use in your baking, sauces and creations in the kitchen is a great option to enhance your flavors while still keeping your flavors in balance.  Here are some of my favorites.

  • Raw honey is known for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.  It is a pure source of sweet and even though it is fairly high on the glycemic index scale, a little goes a very long way.  The health benefits of local raw honey include naturally suppressing the common cough, aiding in a good nights sleep (by facilitating typtophan), and boosting immunity to name a few.
  • Coconut sugar, made from the sap of the coconut palm, doesn't put stress on your blood sugar levels the same way that white sugar does. Because coconut sugar is unrefined, it retains all of its natural minerals and vitamins so it has a higher nutrient density.  Coconut sugar is easy to cook with and can be substituted 1:1 in recipes.
  • Maple syrup, made by boiling sap from the maple tree, contains compounds that could help manage Type 2 diabetes, as well as acting as anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agents.  Maple is full of many anti-oxidants, full of a wide range of vitamins and minerals especially zinc and manganese.  Many health experts are now calling pure maple syrup a champion food.
  • Xylitol is pure, natural with essentially no blood sugar response. Xylitol also comes with some benefits such as fighting tooth decay. Xylitol is safe, and a beneficial sweetener.

4.     Eat a Low Glycemic Diet.

If you an stick to a low glycemic diet you will not only see benefits in almost every area of your health, energy, sleep and metabolism, but you will also see your sugar cravings diminish before your eyes.    

The glycemic index of a particular food rates the food on how quickly it turns to sugar in your blood stream.  Processed carbohydrates and refined sugars are always going to rate very high on the spectrum where as proteins, fats, whole grains and some fruits will be low or moderate.

There are some added tricks to lowering the glycemic index of your meal.

  • First, you can add more protein – have some nuts with our dried fruit.
  • Second, you can add high quality fat – put a little olive oil on that piece of bread.
  • Third, you can add fiber or choose a high fiber version of the food – cook brown rice instead of white.

Eating a low glycemic diet is one of the quickest way to see your health and vitality turn around.  It is fairly simple and incredibly effective

5.     Sweeten Up Your Life

The sweet flavor has often been linked to love, pleasure, comfort and many other soothing qualities we all yearn for in our humanness.  Often, when we are not getting enough of these in our lives, we crave more sugar and overly self- soothe with the sweetness in food.

Try enhancing your life with the sweetness you can find in your daily down time, in the way that you exercise, the practices you do that activate your senses in a positive way, and especially the way you love yourself.  This is where the true sweetness is found.



Yes! I Am A Supplement QUEEN

To supplement or not to supplement?  This is the question.  I hear it each day.  It is controversial, confusing and overwhelming.  This information will help!
  • Some of you tell me "I don't like taking anything."
  • Some of you bring me your big huge bags of supplements and say "HELP.  What should I be taking?" (you know who you are!)
  • ...and some of you are the most organized folks I have ever seen with our vitamin boxes, your scheduled doses of everything I recommend each day to STAY blow me away!
Today, I am going to share with you my love of supplements and what I do to stay balanced.  First some science, and then you get to peak inside my personal supplement QUEENDOM for just a minute.Supplements are defined here as any nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic support taken by the individual.

vitaminsThe PROS

  • Our food today is surely lacking in vital nutrients. Methods of storing, processing and preserving food often severely strip the food of its nutritional value. Supplements can fill the GAP so to speak.
  • Many of the modern techniques used to grow food faster, larger and on nutritionally depleted soils has destroyed the original, natural quality of our food supply.  Supplements can enhance your quality of life.
  •  Supplements supply a therapeutic dose of nutrients which can easily compensate for the lacks in our food supply.  Like little nuggets of health, supplements may also provide many additional advantages supporting specific deficiencies, imbalances and health issues.
  • Quality Control:  Supplements vary in quality.  Most supplements are food grade, meaning they are regulated the same way food is.  Enough said?  They could be as high quality as an organic apple or as low as the historic Twinkie.  What to do?  Do your research, or have me do it for you.  You can read the Comparative Guide to Supplements or you can take only pharmaceutical grade supplements.  This will guarantee you the best purity, potency and absorbability possible.
  • Welcome to the Jungle - It is a jungle in the world of wall to wall supplements, sports drinks, shakes and metabolic enhancers.  OVERWHELMED may be the most common feeling consumers have in the supplement aisle.  Ask for help!  That is what WE, your health care practitioners are here for.  We get trained in this stuff.  We can guide you through the jungle.
  • Supplements CANNOT take the place of a well balanced diet.  Eat your greens!   You cannot replace one with the other.  They work like a charm together so eat your whole foods, and take your high quality supplements EVERY DAY.
  • Daily - My supplements come in a handy little health pack.  They are customized so they do change based on what I am going through etc.  You can always bet that there will be a pharmaceutical grade multi-vitamin and mineral, a potent and purified omega 3 (2-3/day) and some hefty antioxidants.  I get them from USANA health sciences.  (of course it is rated #1, that is why I get them).
  • Seasonally - In the spring I take extra quercitin, proflavanol (grape seed extract + vitamin C), I add in more ionic minerals to gently cleanse my body and some Product B (from Isagenix) to slow the aging process naturally by lengthening this telomeres. Special tricks: Sometimes I add extra calcium, and some calming formulas such as passion flower, GABA, and L-Theanine. (to help with my busy mind)
  • Quercitin - Quercitin is a natural anti-histamine and is fantastic for any spring allergies.  It does not inhibit the allergies, but while you are adjusting your diet and cleansing for the spring, quercitin will calm down those symptoms.
  • Nettles - One of my favorite herbs for almost EVERYTHING.  Nettles is delicious made into some tea and used to help with hay fever, boosting immunity, supporting the adrenals, and helping to alleviate allergy induced asthma.  


  • Spring Cleanse Program - Get your Spring Fever ON!  Cleansin in the Spring is the best thing you can do to clear up any stagnant energy in your body, shed excess body weight and get energized for the spring.  Come join our SPRING FEVER CLEANSE PROGRAM.



Get Your Spring Fever ON

As we emerge from the winter months, we wake up to the early morning sunlight returning and the smell of blooming flowers poking their heads through to warming earth.

Given the energetics of spring we often feel the urge to cleanse our lives, our bodies, and our beings for a clearer and energized new season of living life to the fullest.

As you read through the following tips, take a moment to ponder what needs cleansing in your life.  What do you seek to shed this spring to “lighten” up and access the inner freedom we all yearn for?

So often when we think of cleansing, we see visions of ancient yogi’s fasting, or modern health food junkies checking out the newest cleansing trends.

Don't fret, this year let's clean out and cleanse what is not serving us in our lives.  Let us use the energy of the season of spring to enhance the journey to more radiance and vitality from the inside out.

Your Spring Sparkle comes from a combination of so many components, some of which include of your inner health, your thoughts, how you move your body each day, and your sacred space or home.

1.  Body Bliss

Can you access the bliss your physical body is designed to feel?  When you wake up each day are you ready to conquer your life with energy and vitality?  If you feel like many people do these days, a little tired, a little sluggish try these health secrets to enhance your energy.

Eat with the season – As the leafy greens spring up, and the dandelions fill your yard, try finding some ways to cleanse your diet with some of natures spring gifts.

In the spring we are designed to eat lighter, darker and leafier greens, and oh those dandelions do wonders for cleansing the liver. (be sure they are pesticide free before you eat, or buy at your local health food store)

Juice – Juicing daily blesses the body with a huge amount of extra nutrients that are easily absorbed.  As you pulverize and strain those veggies in the juicer, you do a huge favor to your digestion. You pour liquid nutrients into your system for a fountain of amazing energy and purification.

Reset your energy with a Whole Food lifestyle – This spring try to eat only WHOLE FOODS for one whole week.  Whole food eating means eating food found in its whole form.  Avoid processed foods, refined carbohydrates and foods that have an ingredient list.

2.  Flip your Script

If you are someone who hears your own self-critic loud and clear all day long, full of shame, blame and self sabotage…it is time to “clean” up your self-talk.  Flipping your script means giving your that common mental script an overhaul.  What are the most common thoughts that bring you down?  Are they about your body, your past decisions, your bad habits?

Whenever you hear the negative thoughts try to take note, then flip them around in to a positive affirmation as often as you can to practice unconditional happiness and self-love.

3.  Move it and Shake it

One of most effective ways to your energize your life is through daily movement.  How is your MOJO?  Practices such as YOGA, BRISK WALKING/HIKING and DANCE can move energy in big ways.  Get yourself out of inertia this spring and MOVE IT SHAKE IT GROOVE IT.  Enliven your spirit and up your MOJO with some juicy movement of your own.

Take walk in the beautiful spring air,  inspire yourself with your favorite yoga teacher or make yourself a new playlist to inspire your daily run. Learn to feel good in your body through movement you love.

4.  Clear out your Space

Spring-cleaning is not a made up phenomenon.  We naturally cleanse during the spring season because it feels so therapeutic to climb out of the winter hibernation into a fresh and clear environment.

Getting rid of the old and making room for the new is an important energizer for your space and your experience this spring.

But in addition to aesthetics, there are proven health reasons for steam-cleaning carpets, airing out curtains and the like noting that the benefits include preventing the spread of germs and keeping allergy symptoms at bay.

Clearing out clutter also helps make your environment a happier as well as a healthier place.  For a little spring cleaning joy, add some essential oils to your eco-friendly cleaning supplies.  Try rearranging and reorganize your sacred space.

You are off to a great start for some revitalization and renewal this year.  Spring is always an exciting time to start anew, plant our seeds of intention and watch, tend, and nurture them as the season unfolds.  Let’s make it a beauty!  Happy Spring.

It is the time for revitalization and renewal.  Spring is always an exciting time to start anew, plant our seeds of intention and watch, tend, and nurture them as the season unfolds.  Let’s make it a beauty.

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How to live a FUNK Free February

Last week I felt the February FUNK hit me like a ton of bricks. I was blah, bored, uninspired, and I would have chosen to lay in bed all day watching Netflix if I had had the choice.  Who is this person I thought to myself?  I usually hop out of bed and feel so fired up for the day.  Then I realized, it's February!! Until this week, it has been a remarkably cold winter here in Boulder.  I have to admit, I have been hibernating more than ever.  I enjoy quiet nights by the fire with my book, long tea dates, and early nights to bed most of the time.  It just started to get a bit BORING....ZZZZ.  Sound familiar?

After a particularly blah night, I went to bed with one of those uncomfortable pits in my stomach.  Am I burnt out?  Depressed? Will winter ever end?  Is my entire purpose a joke? How am I going to make it through the FUNK?

I woke up that night about 3 am.  I couldn't fall back to sleep with my mind racing and my body unsettled.  I finally I reached for my journal.  How do I turn this around?

It took a bit of soul searching, but eventually I made a breakthrough.  With my pen to paper and some other forces at play in the depths of the dark night, I wrote about so many different parts of my life that feed me.  My time outside, my relationship, my daily practices, laughter...  had they all just been forgotten?  How did this happen?

WIthin my witching hour moment of breakthrough something very simple happened...I REMEMBERED!

I made a promise to myself. I HAVE to do these simple practices EVERYDAY.

My inner fire began to return with just the recognition of my personal recipe.  Although your recipe for living FUNK FREE  is likely different than mine, they probably have something in common.

Here's a little glimpse into my FUNK FREE formula....


Especially when it is cold and yucky out, it can require some serious motivation to bundle up and go outside. Once I do, though, the fresh air will gets my blood moving and helps me gain some perspective. Whether it is taking a short walk or going on a run or a hike, everything counts! We’ve all heard it before, but it is true - being outside in the sun provides us with our healthy daily intake of vitamin D, which we need to maintain well-being, so I make sure I am taking care of myself. Exposure to the sun also helps our bodies regulate our sleep, our appetites, and our hormonal functions, which can get out of whack during these months.

Make an effort to be outside a little bit every day to soak up some sunshine, or some fresh air and to connect with the nature around you.  Find the winter activities that work in your area and for your passion.  Try more skiing, snowshoeing, dog walking, sitting on a sunny porch, or even shoveling the drive.



When I say empowered, what I mean is I call the shots.  I enjoy having all the information I need to make an informed decision about how to fuel my body.  It does take practice but with just a little trial and error (and as much support as you need) you can learn how to feel radiant in your own skin via the food you eat.

Think of the most vital foods on the planet.  Imagine the most potent foods that nature has to offer.  I consciously eat more of those.  I purify my body as a temple.  I eat super foods like they are going out of style (see a recent post:  Super foods for Super Heroes) and embody the energy that our planet has to offer.

I juice, blend, steam, chop and create the most colorful, fresh, vibrant meals I can imagine and then feel how grateful my body is for this foodie fuel.


Want a little UPLIFT?  This year (February 9th, 2015) we are joining in our seasonal whole food purification to honor the season and the self care this season loves for us to embody.  Check out all the details here.



One of most effective ways to connect with your body’s natural energy is through energizing movement.  How is your MOJO?  Practices such as YOGA, BRISK WALKING/HIKING and DANCE can move energy in big ways.  I get myself out of inertia and MOVE IT, SHAKE IT, GROOVE IT.  I enliven my spirit and up my MOJO with some juicy movement of my own.  I SWEAT out the FUNK!!

Have your own private dance party, take a walk in the woods, or inspire yourself with your favorite yoga teacher.  Learn to FEEL good in your body to reconnect with your RADIANCE.



If you are like many of us, the energy of winter might have slowed down your social life. Think about the people and places that make you the happiest. Could you incorporate more of those things into your life again? It is important for our health and vitality to stay connected to the people and communities we love.  When I put effort into my friendships and connections, I feel supported by them in return. By showing up authentically and with an open heart, I see my friends and community will be receptive to me.

This can be one of the most rewarding efforts in pulling ourselves out of a funk: remembering we are a part of something greater and that we are loved. Becoming more involved in community also helps to take the focus off of ourselves and can re-inspire us to consider issues and opportunities beyond our normal scope of thinking. "Giving is the new getting."  What you give is what you get, so give it up!




It can be difficult to get the juices flowing when we are beginning from a place that is stagnant, down, or stuck. This is just it: be where you are, and go from there. There is no wrong time or space to begin creative expression. Whatever your outlet, honor where you are NOW first, and begin gently. One way to begin that I find helpful is to practice silent sitting meditation for a few minutes – the longer I can sit, the quieter my mind becomes, and the freer I am to express myself. Making time for creativity is an incredible way to express yourself and to move your energy around. Whether it is singing, playing an instrument, chanting, dancing, drawing, painting, crafting, cooking, or anything else that brings you joy – make time in your life to be creative. It will do WONDERS for your mood and your heart!



When all else fails, I change my perspective.  It is AMAZING what a weekend road trip or a tropical yoga retreat can do for the soul.  Often when we take a break from the day-to-day, if we are so fortunate, we can gain a new view of things.  We go from the worms eye view to the eagle eye view.

Just a simple shift in my environment brings me so much clarity.  This is why we plan our ALL WOMEN's International yoga + health retreats each year!  They have a positive impact on my life, and on our participants lives that last.  This year I am off to Bali for some culture and some clarity.  Thank Goddess!!  Want to join us?  All the details are HERE.


Keep up with tweeking and fine tuning your personal recipe.  It will serve you in the long run.  Come next February, you may also forget, but you can always come back and REMEMBER.



Good Morning Sunshine

It’s 6 am, and suddenly, the alarm clock pulls her out of an epic dream.  After hitting the snooze button several times, she decides to motivate, attack the grogginess and get ready for the day.  Staggering our of bed, the first thought that comes to mind is making a warm cup of brew before running out the door. snooze button

Breakfast, which may or may not happen, is something quick and easy, like a bowl of cereal, toast, or a self-proclaimed energy bar.

In less than a few hours, she feels tired and hungry again.  The cookie in the break room, or the scone at the coffee shop down the street, sounds appealing.  Before she can really think this through, she caves in and indulges in a sweet mid-morning snack.

By the time lunch rolls around, she's so hungry that she could eat a big Chipotle burrito.  She happily obliges this thought.  As mid-afternoon creeps by, she feels so run down and cranky that she can hardly stand it.  The second cup of joe isn’t an option, it’s a must - just to get her through the day.

Does this sound familiar ?  Many of us have been here, riding the blood sugar roller coaster day in and day out.  It all begins with the first meal of the day, also known as BREAKFAST.

The way we begin our day creates a foundation for how the rest of it unfolds.  If our first meal mainly consists of carbohydrates, without adequate protein and fat, then we’re bound to experience symptoms of high and low blood sugar thoughout the day.  Fortunately, we can direct our daily experiences in a healthy and mindful way by consuming a balanced breakfast.

The good news is that you can do this without much time or effort by simply making a LIQUID LOVE breakfast shake.

green smoothie

Why liquid love you ask?  Because you will LOVE your life oodles more when you see how good you feel!!!

Goodbye Mr. Coffee and toast, hello liquid green goddess of love!

You may think to yourself...why a shake instead of something more complete and whole like your favorite poached eggs, turkey bacon and sauted kale?  Well, if you can pull off a home cooked delightful breakfast on a week day, by all means GO FOR IT!  The problem is many of us are too rushed, feeding children, packing lunches, and sleeping until the last possible minute.

LIQUID LOVE may be the quickest and most complete option with the most super food and nutrient density ratios.

Studies show that if you start of your day on the RIGHT foot (ie low glycemic, high protein breakfast), you will eat 80% less sugar/carbohydrates throughout the day, and have a personal victory over your cravings in the late afternoon.

How does this sound to you??

Below we may have just the info you need.  Here is what LIQUID LOVE is are NOT:

They are NOT all fruit.

  • They do NOT have a bunch of juice as the base.
  • They do NOT taste chalky, grainy or horrible.
  • They do NOT leave you feeling like you are still hungry, unsatiated or bored with breakfast.

Check out our easy to use GUIDE TO LIQUID LOVE SMOOTHIES for all the details you need to make a breakfast to change your life!



Get FRIENDLY with your FLORA

Today's question is:  ARE YOU FRIENDLY WITH YOUR FLORA?  How is your digestion?  Are you getting enough of those good little bacteria in your life? Probiotics might be a great answer for you.....

Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria found in either cultured and fermented foods or in supplement form. When consumed, the benefits of this bacteria go above and beyond our gut, positively impacting our overall health.

Traditionally, people prepared and ate cultured and fermented foods on a regular basis to support intestinal and systemic function.

Since the advent of the industrial revolution, particularly in Western societies, this practice has almost vanished with more processed, devitalized food on our plates. As a result, our health has suffered with chronic disease and autoimmune conditions on the rise.

By implementing probiotics into your diet, you may be able to avoid ill health while living a longer, healthier and more vital life.

There are many benefits to friendly are a few of my favorites.

Modulates Immune Function 

Up to 80% of our immune system is located in our digestive tract, with probiotics being a key contributor. Beneficial flora has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effects, keeping our immune systems in check.

Another bonus is their ability to detoxify and rid the body of heavy metals. Consider adding a probiotic supplement into your daily regimen to reap these immune supportive benefits.

Vitamin K Production

Probiotics provide fuel for intestinal cells, enhance healing of bowel tissue, and support healthy cell proliferation in the intestines. Vitamin K, also produced when beneficial bacteria feast on fiber, helps with calcium absorption and healthy blood clotting.

The next time you make your favorite bean dish, be sure to add some delicious cultured butter, whey or saurkraut to the mix to boost the probiotic count.

Protects the intestinal barrier

Beneficial bacteria create a protective layer on the lining of the intestines, preventing the bad bugs from sticking around and ensuring that our gut, as well as our body, stays healthy and strong. When we have a robust intestinal tract, we are more able to digest and absorb nutrients effectively, a strong contributor to optimal health. Consider substituting a glass of kefir in place of milk. You won't regret it.

When looking for a probiotic supplement be sure you look for one with different strains of good bacteria.  This will broaden the positive effect and enhance your digestion and health more effectively.

Start slow, if you find you are sensitive when starting to supplement, start with a smaller dose and build yourself up.  You can even start with a child size dosage if you like.

Let those Friendly Flora into your life!  Prepare for a strong and healthy winter, and feel better than ever. Below are our favorite probiotic rich foods that you can add into your diet with ease.  Check them out.

One easy way to help regulate my system is to consume foods rich in probiotics.  Literally, probiotics means “for life” and is the name given to the friendly intestinal microflora and beneficial bacteria that reside within all of us.

There are many enjoyable ways to increase your probiotic intake through food.  You may have even tried some without knowing it!

1)   Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is loaded with extra B vitamins and vitamin C.  Fermented cabbage offers more of an anti-carcinogenic effect than its raw or cooked relatives.  You can make it, you can buy it.  It is a great garnish for many dishes.  Add it to your meat and veggies, add it to your eggs and rice.  You can't go wrong with a little sauerkraut.  Raw is best of course.  Found in the refrigerator section at the health food store.


 2)   Kombucha

Kombucha is a popular healthful beverage made by fermenting teas.  It produces a refreshingly light, sparkling, sweet & sour drink with a fruity fragrance full of healthy acids and nutrients.  Many people have cut out alcohol and replaced their diet with Kombucha which naturally helps elevate feelings of energy and a sense of well-being.  There’s a new local start up called Zeel which offers a crafted tea blend that suits the rest of the ingredients, and the flavors merge together during the steep.  We recommend going easy on the dosage and sticking to 6 ounces or so at a time.  That means you can stretch those average bottles out over a couple of days.


3)   Yogurt

I’m sure you have heard it before on a commercial or two of the benefits of yogurt, an easy to find tasty treat.  Although the yogurt aisle can be deceiving, as different bacterias are added to the milk as part of the fermentation process.  Non-pasteurized plain yogurt is your best option.  Avoid the sugary low fat versions, and go for the whole milk, high bacteria count types.  Allergic to dairy?  Try the coconut yogurt variations (avialable at health food stores) for a great dairy free option.

greek yogurt

4)   Microalgae

 This refers to super-food ocean-based plants such as spirulina, chorella, and blue-green algae.  These probiotic foods have been shown to increase the amount of both lactobacillus and bifidobacteria in the digestive tract.  They also offer the most amount of energetic return, per ounce, for the human system.  Sprinkle on your popcorn, add to your smoothies, garnish your grains with a little spirulina or chlorella or take as a supplement.


5)   Kimchi

An Asian form of pickled sauerkraut, kimchi can be extremely spicy and sour fermented cabbage, typically served alongside meals in Korea.  Besides beneficial bacteria, Kimchi is also a great source of beta-carotene, calcium, iron and vitamins A, C, B1 and B2.  Kimchi is one of the best probiotic foods you can add to your diet, assuming you can handle the heat.  Try local favorite Zuke at the next farmers market or at Shine Restaurant.



