I am just back from a wonderful week in Costa Rica where I was able to connect with many of you who joined us in this years glorious women's yoga and wellness retreat (2021 dates coming soon!).

I returned so inspired that I wanted to share with you one of my personal highlights.

As I savored each solo morning walk (there were many) on my favorite beach –– my feet splashing in the shallow tide pools, exuberant beach dogs chasing each other in the morning sun and off in the distance my retreat gals giggling as they boogie boarded the gentle Nosara waves –– I had plenty of time to ponder what I want to focus on this year.

With each new year or new beginning brings an opportunity to respond consciously to life, where we put our focus, our energy and our resources. 

This was also a chance for check in with myself as I craft some new intentions and contemplate what I want to add in to feel more aligned with my life and my heart.

What came to me was to focus on living more authentically, in both my personal life and in my work. To unabashedly be myself in everything I do.  

A big YES! grew more and more each day, and with it, a lot of excitement for the year ahead.

As we sit in the dawn of 2020, tell me << Test First Name >>, what courageous steps are you called to make to feel more true to yourself this year in your life and health? 


In celebration of The Yoga of Eating opening for 2020 registration, my flagship online program, I want to share a mini-podcast series I created for you: The Soulfood Sessions.

Yes, The Soulfood Sessions
 are back (with new episodes added) and you'll be seeing them pop into your inbox over the next couple of weeks.

In this first episode, I will talk about how we can live more authentically, and especially how we can eat more authentically. 

Listen and learn:

  • Why eating has become one of the most complex and challenging parts of our lives

  • How when we flow with our natural rhythms, we create personal freedom. 

  • How an authentic relationship to food and our bodies will cultivate a higher level awareness

  • How within our authenticity lies our primal animal being and our innate wisdom.

  • Practical and do-able touchstones to begin an authentic eating journey for yourself. 

What are the Soulfood Sessions?

The Soulfood Sessions are a mini podcast series to share bite size morsels of wisdom from this year's 
Yoga of Eating online course that is currently open for registration.

This podcast mini-series consists of small tasters from the many wise teachers we have on our guest teacher roster this year and some personal anecdotes from me. 


I am so thrilled to share my online program, The Yoga Of Eating, with you today. This is is my most complete (and passionate) body of work. A colorful tapestry of food psychology, nutritional therapy, women’s yoga, meditation, embodiment practices, reflective ritual and resources, nourishing recipes and our incredible team of guest teachers. 
Join us for The Yoga Of Eating here. Registration is open!!

May this be your year to create all you want for yourself!
