I love to drop new recipes for you that are seasonal, easy to make, tasty and full of all you need to nourish yourself from the inside out. This one is very timely, as zucchini season is peaking.

This easy side or meal can be whipped up in just a few minutes and will still give you some of my all time favorite nutrients:

Collagen and Phytonutrients

Combine zucchini season in full tilt at the farmers markets with collagen peptides to support skin, digestion, joint health and muscle building and you have yourself a hearty seasonal recipe to explore.


Connective tissue includes skin, ligaments, bones, muscles, smooth muscle and more, all of which are made primarily of protein in the form of collagen. Roughly 85% of collagen in the body is classified as type I, II, or III. The molecules of these types similarly form structures made of thin fibrils. While they might look similar, each of the three most common types has a unique function in the body. 

  • Type I collagen is the most abundant based on the elements of the body it composes. This includes the arteries, bones, ligaments, skin, and tendons. 

  • Type II collagen is the primary component of joint cartilage that connects the skeletal system. 

  • Type III collagen compose reticular fibers that act like mesh in structure. Type III is found most abundantly in lymph, bone marrow, intestines and surrounds the liver. 

Phytonutrients from Zucchini:

Zucchini is a nutrient dense vegetable with a broad span of phytonutrients. Along with this summertime vegetable’s easy to cook, flavor and savor qualities are potent nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A and magnesium.

Zucchini is also a rich source for antioxidants including lutein, β-carotene, and zeaxanthin.

These nutrients band together to create an anti-inflammatory response in the body that also promotes low blood sugar, healthy cholesterol levels and supports digestive health.

Eat well!


Want to keep cooking? Feel free to keep browsing below for something scrumptious:
