I hope you are enjoying the renewal and uplifting energy of the change of season (welcome spring!), and the mask-less culture that seems to be returning us to some form of normalcy?!?  

Is the pandemic over?  I surely do not know, but I have noticed my whole being has been a bit nervous to get too excited. So while enjoying mask-less yoga classes and restaurants, I continue to be trepidatious about what is yet to come.

Today, there is another pandemic I want to shine the light on, one that may have been swept under the rug for a while now –– especially during these past couple years of utter chaos in the world.

This is the original pandemic, or what I call the People Pleaser Pandemic, and it has been going on far longer than COVID-19.

With a long lineage of women people pleasers in my family (going back many generations) there is always another layer within this conversation for me to explore.

Just the other night, I asked Jason if he would still love me if I fully stopped being a pleaser. 

Thankfully, without skipping a beat, he answered me with a resounding YES!

Somewhere, buried deep in my own subconscious, I had belief that being a people pleaser is what made me lovable.

Many (or shall I say most!) women have been socially conditioned to overlook our own needs, to put everyone else first, and to grapple with self-care and self-advocacy as selfish acts.

And oh how that word "selfish" can get under my skin. 

Why do we attach so much negative stigma and meaning to just one word?  Even the Oxford dictionary defines selfish as "seeking one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being, without regard for others".  

For much of my life, people pleasing kept me from speaking my authentic voice, carving out time to care for myself, and living my authentic truth and life.

I know I am not alone.

Do you notice yourself afraid of hurting other people’s feelings? Avoiding conflict? Having difficulty saying “no”? Over-extending? Over-apologizing? Conforming to the people around you? Ignoring your own needs for the sake of others?

If these, or any other people pleasing tendencies, are your modus operandi, today's brand new episode on SATIATE is especially for you.  


Nancy Levin is a best-selling author and master life coach. She is also the former event director for Hay House Publishing of twelve years, and as she says, she had a front row seat and a backstage pass to all the most recognized speakers, best-selling authors, and teachers in the areas of self-empowerment, wellness, and motivation. 


  • How her own personal crisis led her to being able to finally embody the incredible teachings that surrounded her in her daily career (such as those from Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Debbie Ford, and Cheryl Richardson).

  • How we all believe there is some part of ourselves we need to hide in order to be loved and accepted, yet, all most of us want us to be loved for the truth of who we are –– and what to do about it.

  • How it is not always WHAT we do, but rather WHY we do it when it comes to boundaries.

  • What a healthy boundary is and how we can learn to set boundaries –– including the very first step (hint: it's not what you think!).

  • The impactful relationship between boundaries and self-love.

  • What you can gain on the other side of setting healthy boundaries –– and it is worth finding out!

And, you may be wondering why boundaries and people pleasing in the realm of health and well-being?

You have likely noticed that overtime there is harsh outcome when not living your truth, not speaking your truth, not taking care of yourself, and not self-advocating.

When we stuff our feelings, this can easily (and painfully) lead to a feeling of emptiness or emotional void. We can often find ourselves taking this out on our eating (by using food to insulate us from our feelings and emotions), our body image, our self-worth, and if/how we carve out time for self-care.

I am honored to host Nancy Levin on SATIATE, and I hope you have a listen.

(My favorite times to listen to podcasts are while I fold laundry, cook, walk my dog, or take a bath)


Nancy Levin is a Master Coach, podcast host and bestselling author of several books, including her latest Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free. Formerly the Event Director at Hay House for over a decade, Nancy is the founder of Levin Life Coach Academy offering in-depth coaching, training and certification programs designed to support students, and their clients, to make themselves a priority by honoring their self-worth, dissolving outdated obstacles and setting boundaries that stick so they can vividly live in center stage of their own life.

If you want to learn more, you can head to her website HERE, her many inspiring books HERE, or her incredible podcast HERE.

All love,


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