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Mystical Magical Mornings


Waking up this week in the darkness of the late fall mornings, I have had a few moments where it feels just too dark to get out of my cozy bed.  That little bit of full moon light peaking through my bamboo shades hasn't been enough to wake me up before my 6:30 alarm.




I have been rolling over and pulling my big purple comforter over my head to hide, not quite ready to get up in the darkness.


When I finally gather my energy, I creep downstairs to make my morning tea - and see if my teen has stirred yet in time for high school - I have been so lucky to watch the full moon still shining bright as the sun comes up, lighting a burning fiery red in the sky that turns glorious pinks, purples and oranges.


When my warm tea is steeped and ready, I head up to my sacred space, the one I call home for these early mornings.


The mornings are magical to me.


For years I have said that getting up before my kids and taking some space for myself, has been my secret to parenting.


My morning routine is my favorite part of my day.  I guard it fiercely, I revel in it, and I watch it transform with what I am going through, what the season is doing and how I am connecting with my INNER world.


Having time for just ME before I start my day is (what I think of as) essential.  At times I have only been able to squeeze out 5-15 minutes before getting both kids up and out the door to school.


Lately, I have had more time.  My kids are getting older, and this is the FIRST time in 18 years that I don't have to drive across town to drop them off at school.


In many yogic traditions the 2 1/2 hours before and up to sunrise are known to be the most potent time to connect to the higher realms.


This time is known as the Amrit Vela, or the time of day when the veil is the thinnest to the Divine.  Anything you do during this early morning time is considered to be 40x more powerful.


I have some special morning magic secrets to share with you this week + a free recording for you.  AAANNND…I would love to hear how your morning magic metamorphosizes your life.





There are many, many styles and traditions around how to meditate. I appreciate and honor each of them. Some are very simple and some much more elaborate.


For the sake of reaching out to all of you, I am going to tell you about a very simple style of meditation that anyone can try at any level of experience, and that is not related to any particular lineage.


SoHum meditation



If you want to check out a recorded audio version sample of this meditation, you can listen HERE. This is a recording from my online program.



MORNING PAGES (journaling)


I adopted the morning pages practice back in the late 90’s when I first go to Boulder, from Julia Cameron and her book The Artist’s Way Morning pages are the practice of writing for approximately 10-20 minutes, stream of consciousness, first thing in the morning.


There is no way to do morning pages wrong. Morning pages are designed to be a way to cleanse our minds (conscious and subconscious) just like we would take a shower to cleanse our bodies first thing in the morning.


There is no need to worry about structure, grammar, or how it would read back to you at a later date. Morning pages are like a chance to purge whatever is on your mind. Be sure to not over think it, just get it out, on paper and feel yourself lighten in the process.





Often in the early mornings, either before or after I meditate or journal, I consult my oracles – AKA my Tarot deck.


I have carried around one of my favorite Tarot decks since the days of backpacking though Central America in my early 20’s. I acquired this particular deck on the beaches of Guatemala in 1993. Since then I have gathered some other oracle type decks and I play with each of them regularly.


Each morning I pull a card and receive a divine message to work with for the day. This helps me to tap into some intentions, some personal inquiry, and some mystical insights that keep things interesting and inspiring. At times I will expand my readings to longer more multi card spreads with more time and ritual involved, especially on certain holidays, solstices, full moons, birthdays etc.


I always appreciate the little (or big) messages I receive this way.





One of my favorite morning practices is to take my warm cup of tea, bundle up (depending on the time of year) and take a silent walk on the creek path next to my house. The early morning sun is so special, the outdoors is so peaceful, and the movement through the often brisk air, is a good way to wake up my senses.


If taking a walk is part of my morning practice I will usually stay quiet, inward, and focused on my breath, intention, and connection to nature.


I love to hike with my kids, friends or my sweetie, but I do reserve this sacred magical morning time just for me.



Now it’s your turn…

What mystical magical morning practice speaks to you?

If you have your own, I would love to hear about it so I can give it a try.

You can share you favorites and your morning intentions in the comments below.



Selectively Numb

Time to nurture, listen, love and BE is time that is well spent when we are on a path to inner freedom. The quiet of nature, inner connection, and rest allows us to notice what is arising, listen to the messages from our bodies and choose how to navigate through them wisely. When we get to busy in our day-to-day life, overwhelmed by our to-do's piling up, stressed that things aren't going as planned, we often resort to our habitual numbing – ways of coping.  We tend to move away from the uncomfortable feelings in order to avoid them.

Sometimes these feelings do not have enough space to be felt, listened to, or even healed.





Shooting for SELECTIVELY NUMB is a coping skill many of us buy into - often without even realizing it. You know... choosing to feel the good stuff, while ignoring the bad.

It is temping isn't it?

It IS tempting, because who wants to feel those old negative or traumatic or stressful feelings that seem to weigh us down?  The ones that curl us up in the fetal position in our beds, make us nauseous, or even trigger our past trauma.

As we adventure down the pathway to freedom, it is often found that those old icky beliefs and feelings from the past can come up for a couple of reasons:


First, to be felt and listened to in a way that they were possibly never honored before.  

Second, so they can be released, cleared, dumped from our energy bodies altogether.


The truth is SELECTIVELY NUMB does not exist.

When we turn away from suffering, ignore our pain, or just simply numb ourselves out with our usual vices – food, alcohol, busyness, or a variety of other addictions – we actually numb ourselves completely.

Our level of pain and suffering may feel numbed in the moment, but so is our joy, bliss, and happiness.

The path to freedom teaches us to embrace it all.  To sit in the uncomfortable and to also expand into our pleasure and bliss (both of which can be challenging).

Here are my favorite personal strategies (the ones I use regularly) for more FEELING, FREEING, and FINDING my power so that I can expand into my FULLEST.  Perhaps some of these will work for you as well...



When we build our life force or prana, in any awareness practice, we enliven whatever is already happening. Prana is non-discriminating.

Strong feelings of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, sadness, or fear can be daunting and we surely do not want to exaserbate what already exists in the mind-body if it is unpleasant of challenging.

When you give yourself time to sit, center, breath and calm your system, you are in fact strengthening the calm.

Balancing our your breathing so that the inhale and the exhale mirror each other in length and quality will in fact calm your entire system, engage your parasympathetic nervous system, slow down your brain waves and tame your strong emotional feelings.

Breathing is often thought of as the vehicle into the subtle body in the yoga practice. The ancient yogis believed that if you can regulate your breath, you can regulate your mind.

**I find a quiet space to sit for 10-15 min and practice balanced breathing. I focus on the quality and rhythm of your breathing.


Somatic Serenity

One of the most effective tools I use when strong emotions arise for me is doing a body check in. Once I can see where my body is holding the emotion I place my hand over this area.

Often when we experience strong emotion our bodies experience physical sensations such as tingling, clenching, or heat. There is wisdom here.

When we tap into the bodies physical sensation, we are able to get out of the mind spin and drop into the body. This practice is calming, nourishing, and helpful in our inner listening.

*I find a quiet place and do a body check in or body scan, searching for strong sensations associated with the emotion at hand. I then place my hand over that part of my body in a gentle and nourishing way. I return to the breath and ask for any information that my body is ready to reveal regarding this emotion. I ask for healing, peace and calm.


Become a Flower Fairy

Flower remedies are used to work on the emotions of the body bringing back balance and taking us out of a fight or flight stress response.

There are a wide array of flower remedies available in your local health food store. Each remedy is designed to support a different emotional imbalance restoring equilibrium and balance back into the body and soul.

**I venture to the flower remedy section of the wellness area of the health food store or natural pharmacy and I ask for the best remedy for my current emotion. I hold the bottle and ask myself if this is a good remedy for me. I may try a few before I decide. I keep the remedy in my purse and I use whenever the emotion arises. I also use it in my daily meditation practice.


Take a Ritual Bath

Aside from the warming and relaxing qualities there are also deeper support from certain types of baths.  Just like you make yourself that intentional cup of herbal tea, you can soak away your sorrows in a intentional ritual bath with herbs and tonics that will fine tune your energy and emotional bodies.

You can always resort to the simple Epson salts bath if you like, but here I am going to provide you with some specific and unique baths to use to cleanse your energy and emotions – mind, body and soul.

*Sweeten up your mood with a “sweet like honey” bath.  Add a cup of raw honey to your bath and watch your sweetness return.  Honey baths remind us of the sweetness of life.

*Purify your energy body with lemon juice in your bath.  Add one cup of lemon juice to your bath for a gentle clearing and supportive shift of old beliefs and emotions.


Get Naked with Nature

One of the quickest ways I know to clear my mind and reset my thoughts is taking myself right into the foothills of Boulder.

For 20 years now, I have lived here in Boulder CO, and I have to tell you I will always be in awe of these mountains. Over the years, nature has held my sorrow, my pain, my trauma, my confusion, my self hatred, my heartbreaks and everything else that I have gone through.

These mountains truly hold a blueprint of my life.

So, when I say 'GET NAKED' with nature, what I really mean is to shed all that is not serving you, and SHE will hold it for you.  Reveal your truth, and SHE will guide you. Let go of what is blocking you, and SHE will lead you into the light.

 *I go into the woods and hike with the intention of nature holding a healing space for me.  I give myself time and permission to heal, and I let go into the great mother earth.  This is a time of surrender, release, trust, and clearing for me.




Launch your Localicious Summer + Colorado Localicious Summer Guide

....and Learn 3 secrets that will change your relationship to food for good!

I know many of you have heard the term "localicious" before, the term referring to eating local + delicious.  Some of you may have even explored eating local, buying organic and upgrading your diet to a more healthful, and nutrient dense style.  What you may NOT have heard is how eating local can change your relationship to food and your body.


Here are a few specialized BOULDER NUTRITION secrets that will transform how you THINK about your food from here forward.

These 3 small do-able TWEAKS will transform your summer.

Start now...  REClAIM your health once and for all.


PLUS, click here and --> download your free LOCALICIOUS guide today and you will be ready to ROCK your summer ASAP!

1.  The Secret is in the SOURCE

Have you ever tried a recipe passed down from your mother's Italian grandmother, or made yourself a garden salad that you and your children planted seeds for on mothers day?  Better yet, have you ever watched your child pick carrots from the local community garden and then smack their lips and open their hearts in joy?  There is something very magical that happens when we connect with our food, the places it grows, and the love that goes into it.

There is no mistaking that a current lack of connection is a primary root cause to our countries health and obesity issues.  When we buy the majority of our food in vacuum sealed bags, large wholesale quantities, or eat fast food on the run - we lose the connection.

The food-heart connection is one secret that permeates many layers into your relationship with food.  This connection literally can shift OVER EATING, BINGING, and EMOTIONAL EATING patterns.  Eating local is a wonderful place to start.  When you sit down to a meal full of a heart connection to your plate, a totally different savoring occurs.  Just like the age old Italian grandmother's recipe, eating local allows us to treasure, enjoy and feel the love being passed down from our forks to our fondness.

2.  LOVE your Farmer, LOVE your self

The organic farmers of today remind me of good kings (or queens).  They rule the land with care, they nourish the people of the kingdom (community) and they ensure good health for all. Good kings ward off the evil villains (a.k.a. Monsanto) while protecting the lineage and age old traditions for generations to come.  Sound familiar?

Loving your farmer provides a vital link between eaters and the importance of protecting our precious farmland.  Loving your farmer directly translates into self love with every bite of fresh local food that nourishes you directly down to a cellular level.  Famers love support from the local community and YOU feel supported by your own health choices.

3.  Eating for a GREATER CAUSE

Just like anything we do, when we do it in service, it juices us up and raises our vibration.  Running a race for a cause, buying concert tickets to raise money for a global mission, or eating to support the health of our communities raises the COLLECTIVE vibration.  When every bite has meaning and passion, we then have more pleasure and gusto with our food.  Truthfully, it is more ETHICAL to eat locally.  In addition to being fresher and riper, the food hasn’t cost an ecological fortune in fossil fuels coming across the continent.  We are making an impact with our food choice for a happier planet.  Eating for a greater cause changes the dynamic between you and your plate.

YOU can do this!  The Free Download-localicious summer guide will help you to navigate your recipe book, cruise your kitchen, the local section of the grocery store and local farmers' markets with confidence.  Make this summer a localicious movement that changes your health and relationship to every bite.


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The spark that lights your fire ~ Living with Purpose

What is it for you that gives you inner fire, passion, and connects you to your inherent purpose.  How do we infuse every area of our lives with this?  When the light feels dim, what brings the fire back?  These questions are all important keys to overall health and happiness.  Each of us may have our different passion and purpose, but what is the common thread we all share in connecting to this place within? I have been observing, witnessing and studying this phenomenon in hopes that making sense of these common threads will not only unite us more as individuals sharing connection, commonality, and human-ness, but also when we find some of these keys to overall health and happiness it is like making a collective jump in the joy in the world.

Some of the theories that seem to hold true for me are:

1.  Self care:  If we learn and listen to what our bodies need to be nourished as far as food, sleep, quiet time, creativity, we feel more energized, vital, and free to live in our purpose completly.

2.  Movement:  When we find the kind of movement that works for our individual bodies, the energy is moving, and we are strong, revitalized and awakened.

3.  Service:  If our purpose is infused with a sense of service outside of ourselves and is difused to every role we play in our lives, the power and momentum is increased.  Our vision becomes one that can move mountains!  How do you serve in your life?

There may be some magic that I am missing, or maybe, just maybe the magic is found in the simplicity that is so often over looked.  Something to ponder, explore and find out for ourselves .....

much love

Sue Van Raes

Holistic Nutritionist, Health Coach

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